Sl | Name | View |
1 | General Administration Division | Read More |
2 | Human Resources And Establishment Division | Read More |
3 | Finance Division | Read More |
4 | Purchase /Stores & Pharmacy Division | Read More |
5 | Hospital Administration- Public Relations And Clinical Services | Read More |
6 | Security Division | Read More |
7 | Academic Library And Information Science Division | Read More |
General Administration Department ensures that hospitals operate efficiently and that medical staff members are adequately trained and supported. Equipped with a broad range of responsibilities, hospital administrators must be equally well-versed in the fundamentals of health care delivery and business management. The key responsibilities of this Department is to supervise daily administrative operations, monitor expenses and suggest cost-effective alternatives, create quarterly and annual budgets, develop and implement effective policies for all operational procedures, prepare work schedules, maintain organized medical and employee records.
General administration in a Hospital is responsible for organizing and overseeing the health services and daily activities of a Hospital or healthcare facility. They manage staff and budgets, communicate between Departments, and ensure adequate patient care amongst other duties like, managing health informatics, recordkeeping, overseeing the financial health of the organization, managing human capital, policies for hiring, performance reviews, staff schedules. Working as a team, they make sure that effective and efficient practices are followed and best possible care is delivered. Recruitment of employees, training, functioning, setting the salaries and benefits of employees and managing employee-employer relations, are some of the primary duties of the Administration. The responsibility of the Administration includes, organizing and supporting the major activities of the Institute and integrating various functions and services. It is a multifaceted Department, comprising of many Divisions and types of personnel, and services. It requires adequate facilities trained employees, efficient systems and controls, and other supporting staff.
The policy making body of the Institute is the Governing Body (GB) and the day-to-day activities are controlled by the Executive Committee (EC). The Institution has an HOD Committee, which is convened every two months, and discusses the future development programmes, strategies to be adopted, various issues related to staffs, and takes decisions for the smooth functioning of the institution. There is also an Administrative Committee, which is convened every week and take decisions on various matters related to day-to-day administration.
In order to meet the objectives of the Institute, the Administration coordinates the activities of the Centre and creates polices so that all areas of the Institute staff functions efficiently. The Administration recruits, hires hospital staff such as Doctors, Academicians, Engineers, Nurses and other para-medical and scientific/technical staff, for the entire staff requirements of the Institute. The employees are periodically evaluated and proper guidance and training are provided to them to bring out the maximum output. The Director and other Senior Officers lead these administrative services and is directly responsible for the day-to-day operation.
Administration Department is entrusted with the task of evaluating the staff on a periodical basis and judging the level of their performance and also developing policies and procedures that facilitate the efficiency of daily operations. It reviews, implements and analyzes the overall budget of the Institute and the budgets of different areas of the Institute to make sure they are realistic and stringently followed. At times, it acts as a moderator for staff complaints and tries to resolve the grievances arising out of patient care services. In addition to a great deal of paper works and daily administrative tasks, the administration also thinks about the future of the Institute and provide additional in-puts on short-term and long-term plans, for its growth and development. It also ensures that Institute objectives are met through the process of selection, development, organization, motivation, management, evaluation and the promotion of human resources. The Administration complies with Government regulations set out for the Institute and its staff. The Department consists of staff looking after the day-to-day affairs of the Centre in accordance with the existing rules and regulations of the Centre and in accordance with Government orders/instructions, issued from time to time.
Sl | Faculty Name | Designation |