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Oncology Nursing

Nuclear Medicine

Head of the Department

Dr. Satheesan B

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A Nuclear Medicine (NM) scan is a diagnostic exam that provides with important information about organ function. In Nuclear Medicine Imaging Radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive medicine or tracers) are either taken orally, or by intravenous injection or inhalation. Special cameras then capture and form images from the radiation emitted by the Radiopharmaceuticals in the body. NM scans determine the presence of disease based on biological and anatomical changes, i.e. how an organ functions, and what it looks like. Nuclear Medicine scans allow us to evaluate the function of a number of organs including the thyroid Gland, Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Kidneys, and Gallbladder.

In Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, radioactive medicines or radioisotopes are given orally or by intravenous injection to produce uptake in targeted disease areas and produce cell destruction by effect of alpha or beta particles.

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