Home - Courses

Regular Academic Programs

With the increased incidence of cancer, more institutions are getting equipped for treatment of cancer. We realize the need for focused training in oncology, especially for medical and paramedical courses. This is a step towards better care for patients in the present milieu. It is already proposed to develop MCC as a Post-Graduate Institute of Oncology.

         All new cases are presented in the Daily Multi Specialty Board which are reviewed and decisions on treatment taken accordingly. Interactive discussions on a specific topic are carried out on all Wednesdays afternoon in the Radiation Oncology Cub. All Thursday morning, lectures on the recent trends in oncological care by one faculty are carried out in the Centre. On Saturdays morning, Journal club/ lecture/ morbidity meet are carried out in the centre. Apart from the regular academic programs, Continuing Medical Education Program for Doctors and Post-Graduate Students of nearby Medical Colleges are organized by MCC.

Fellowship Programmes

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Fellowship Programmes

B. Sc Medical Radiology Technology

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B.Sc. Nursing/PBDON

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Indian Association Of Palliative Care Courses

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