Home - Lifestyle and Cancer

Change in life style play an important role as causes of cancer. Overweight and obesity are causally associated with several common cancer types, including cancers of the esophagus, colorectal, breast in postmenopausal women, endometrium and kidney.

A healthy diet is characterized by:

Limit your intake of processed and red meats. Choose fish, poultry as an alternative to beef, pork, and lamb.
Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts. Choose whole grain instead of refined grains and sugars.
Limiting intake of free sugars;
Limiting salt consumption and ensuring that salt is iodized.
Avoiding consumption of food and drinks that are very hot in temperature


Ensure that facilities and services are available for physical activity. 
Transport policies should encourage walking and cycling, and discourage the use of cars.
Morning walks and playing games in the evening should be a part of the daily routine.
Adults should get at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, above their usual daily activities, on 5 days or more a week.45 to 60 minutes of intentional physical activity on 5 or more days per week is preferred.
Children and adolescent should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day at least 5 days a week.

WHO recommends that people maintain a healthy weight throughout their lives. 

Know your body mass index (BMI).
A BMI of 19 to 24 is normal, 25 to 29 is overweight and 30 and above is obese.
The best way to control your weight is to burn more calories than you eat.

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