Home - Quality Standards


  • Quality in  health care delivery
  • Accountability in the Governance from top to bottom
  • Maintaining a patient-centred clinical care
  • Effective communication
  • Internal customer satisfaction



  • First Government owned hospital in Northern Kerala to start Bone Marrow Transplantation.
  • The only Government centre performing pediatric transplants
  • First Cancer Centre in Northern Kerala to acquire High end multiple energy linear accelerator with FFF technology.
  • First Cancer Centre in Northern Kerala to acquire Blood Irradiator.
  • First cancer centre in Kerala to Start Cancer Genetics Clinic
  • First Cancer centre in India to develop, test and implement E-Palliative care.
  • First Cancer Centre in South India to be a PAIN FREE HOSPITAL
  • First institution in Kerala to acquire and use Robotic biopsy and intervention radiology assistance system
  • First Cancer centre in Northern Kerala to introduce High end Dual Energy Linear Accelerator with VMAT capability in Public sector.
  • F-18 PSMA scan performed first time in Kerala
  • The first under Government Sector to launch Bone Marrow Donor Registry in India.
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