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Oncology Nursing

Academic Library And Information Science Division

Head of the Division

A unique Hospital Library for patients, their relatives, and staff is functioning in the centre since 2004.The library is funded by the Kerala state Library council.
MCC medical library offers seamless learning resources to its users. Our Library act as Knowledge hub and backbone of research and academic activities through world class resources and value added information services in all areas of Oncology and related disciplines. Medical Library provides integrated library infrastructure for the effective use of electronic resources. 
All administrative work involving the purchase of Books, subscription of journals, scrutiny of bills for the payment, calling for tenders, quotations, etc., are carried out, under this division. 

Sl Faculty Name Designation
1 Subhash Chandran A K Medical Librarian
2 Harish Babu Assistant Librarian
3 Ganeshan V CCT

24x7 Services
Reference Services
SDI Services
Department Library
Orientation Services
Risograph-Printing Services

•    Digital Duplicator Facilities
•    Digital duplicator/Print duplicator created to produce a high volume of good quality print copies at a lower cost than toner copies.
•    Digital Library Facilities

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