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Oncology Nursing

Security Division

Head of the Division

The security wing of MCC plays a pivotal role in maintaining the overall security of MCC and is headed by Security Officer I/c. He will be under the direct supervision of Director/Administrative Officer. Security guards are ex-servicemen and are outsourced through KEXCON (Kerala Sate Ex-Servicemen Development and Rehabilitation Corporation). They guard the Campus and Centre 24x7 and are posted in various areas of this Centre, for the smooth functioning. Vigilant security measures need to be undertaken as lot of highly sophisticated and costly state of art equipments and some equipments are installed under Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) regulations. AERB insists tight security for these equipments and this Centre comes under the direct supervision of District Superintendent of Police. Security measures are even tightened up, especially during the Covid-19 break out, by installing surveillance cameras as and where required. This Division also acts as In charge of Drivers and the Hospital vehicles and handles Fires Safety of the Institution.

Sl Faculty Name Designation
1 Babu.M Driver
2 Nidheesh P.V Driver
3 Rajeevan Karayi Driver
4 Ratheeshan .V.P Driver

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