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Oncology Nursing


Head of the Division

Dr. Satheesan B

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Psycho oncology is the division that deals with the behavioural, emotional, cognitive and social aspects of cancer patients and their families. Presently the division is headed by the Director. The division of psycho oncology has been functioning in this centre, since July 2017. The division combines psychiatry, psychology and medical social work aspects into Cancer centre.

Current facilities: Division focuses on the psycho-social interventions for patients and families from cancer diagnosis till survivorship and palliation, thereby improving their quality of life. Various psychometric assessments were conducted in the division to understand the patient better. The division provides alcohol and tobacco de-addiction counselling for the patients. The division gives due importance to the stress management of the staff and students dealing with cancer patients.  This division is also managing the GET WELL CLINIC (Geriatric Wellness Clinic) and genetic clinic and counselling aspects of the hospital. The division is conducting one year institutional fellowships on Psycho-oncology and Oncology Social Work and providing internships and observership for Psychology and Social work students.

Sl Faculty Name Designation
1 Ms. Jisha Abraham Lecturer
2 Mr. Sobhith V. K Medical Social Worker

  •   Pre-treatment Counselling for patients planned for treatment.
  •   Psycho-social screening /assessment for patients
  •   Psychological assessments based on their clinical conditions.
  •   Psycho education and Counselling for those undergoing chemotherapy, Radiation therapy and surgery.
  •   Psycho-social and socio-economic interventions for patients
  •   Distress management and sleep interventions 
  •  Counselling and Psychotherapy for pediatric and adult patients 
  •  Family and Marital counselling for the cancer patients
  •  Tobacco cessation counselling and de-addiction couselling
  •  Geriatric wellness clinic (GET WELL CLINIC) for patients above 70 years
  •  Genetic counselling for patients and family
  •  Organize and co-ordinate support groups among patient, caregivers, and survivors
  •  Co-ordinate stress management and relaxation activities for the staffs and students of MCC.

  • Psychometric tests for cancer patients
  • Socio economic assessments
  • Socio-economic interventions
  • Biofeedback intervention
  • Psychotherapy
  • Academic: 1 year institutional fellowship in Psycho-oncology and Oncology Social Work

Biofeedback device 

  • Pattern of distress among cancer patients assessed during new patient counselling: A cross-sectional study in Indian Journal of Cancer (Accepted for publication)
  • Padmanabhan M.,  Abraham J., Balasubramanian S., Sobhith V. K. Perceived stress and coping among Oncology Health Care Workers (OHCW) during the COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary cancer centre in India. WCRJ 2022; 9: e2161. DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20221_2161

  •   Distress and Insomnia among cancer patients admitted for surgery: A Retrospective cross-sectional study.
  •   Memory, cognitive functions and pattern of distress among breast cancer patients and survivors.

  • Pattern of Distress among Cancer patients assessed during New Patient Counseling: A Retrospective Cross-sectional study.
  • Fatigue, perceived stress, anxiety and depression among adult survivors of hematological malignancies: Cross-sectional study.
  • Perceived stress and coping among oncology health care workers during covid -19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from a tertiary centre.
  • Post Traumatic Growth, Resilience and Quality of Life among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients, Survivors and Healthy Individuals. 
  • Body Image Distress and Quality of Life of oral cancer patients before and after curative surgical treatment.

  • Conference ‘MIND CAN 2017’
  • Two day workshop on Solution Focused Practice
  • Two day workshop on Mindfulness based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

  • Sleep Clinic
  • Psychotherapeutic interventions based researches
  • University affiliated courses in Psycho-oncology and Oncology social work
  • Neuropsychological assessments and interventions for brain tumors.

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