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Oncology Nursing

Ocular Oncology Division at Malabar Cancer Centre:

Ocular Oncology Division under The Department of Surgical Oncology offers comprehensive eyeexaminations and is backed by a strong multidisciplinary oncology team.We work with the mission- Salvage Life, Salvage Eye and Salvage Vision.

We offer the best available treatment for Retinoblastoma which includes periodic examination underanesthesia, Intravitreal Chemotherapy, Cryotherapy, Laser therapy, Transpupillary Thermotherapy along with Systemic Chemotherapy. IntraArterial Chemotherapy is the most advanced treatment modality forRetinoblastoma. However,due to the huge financial burden, it is not accessible to all in developingcountries like India. A great milestone has been achieved at MCC. We have made IAC affordable andacceptable to children with Retinoblastoma from all socioeconomic strata of the society.We have also achieved success in treating conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma , ocular surfacesquamous neoplasia with topical and intralesional chemotherapeutic agents, avoiding the morbidity ofsurgery.

We are one among the few centers who have a plaque brachytherapy unit for the treatment of uvealmelanoma. This treatment allows us to treat cancer without removing the eye - preserving vision,independence, and quality of life. Also for eyes which are not salvageable, we perform enucleation withplacement of a custom fit prosthesis/ artificial eye. Apart from diagnosing and treating ocular malignancies, we also perform routine ocular screening inpediatric patients diagnosed with leukemia, diagnose and treat the ocular toxicities of systemic chemotherapeutic agents and radiation, do ophthalmic evaluation of patients diagnosed with neurological tumors pre and post surgery.

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