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Oncology Nursing

General Surgical Oncology

Current facilities – Regular surgeries include major resections of cancer involving colorectum, stomach, esophagus, pancreas, retroperitoneum, urological organs, genital organs in men, lung, mediastinum, chest wall, bone and soft tissues and pediatric cancers. Vascular access procedures are done regularly in adults as well as pediatric patients.

Major equipment available – 3D laparoscope, 2D laparoscope, HIPEC machine, Mediastinoscope, cystoscope, CUSA, vessel sealer devices, advanced cautery.

Major equipment purchased/installed during the current year - 3D laparoscope, Sternal saw, ICG enabled laparoscope, cystoscope.

New facilities started – 3D laparoscopy. 

Sl Faculty Name Designation

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