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Oncology Nursing


Head of the Division


(MBBS,DPPM,MSc Applied Psychology), Assistant Professor
Phone - 0490 23 99 277
Email - palliative@mcc.kerala.gov.in

Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to specialized medical care and nursing care for people with life-limiting illnesses. It focuses on providing people with relief from the symptoms, pain, physical stress, and mental stress of the terminal diagnosis. . The goal of such therapy is to improve quality of life for both the person and their family.

Cancer Palliative Medicine department has been functioning in this Centre, since November 2002.The Centre is a recognized medical institution for possession and supply of Oral Morphine. Palliative Care Services also provide counselling to patients and their family members. Cancer palliative medicine aims at improving the quality of life of cancer patients especially those for whom curative options have been exhausted. 

Cancer Palliative Medicine Department has an inpatient, outpatient and home care facility. Apart from this, specialized nurse managed two well-functioning clinics-lymphedema clinic and stoma clinic also come under this department. In addition the service of a dedicated Medical Social Worker is also available since February 2020. 

Homecare facility for the needy patients was started on June 20, 2009. Home care is done thrice in a week catering to the need of patients staying within 35 kms from MCC. Patients are given medication free of cost. Procedures like ascitic tapping, wound dressing, catheterization, ryles tube introduction are done. Apart from this psychological support to the patient and their families are also given. 

E-palliative homecare service :
The homecare service from MCC is Nurse- lead and doctor assisted. In order to make the service more effective consultation of the patient is done through e-palliative medicine wherein the patient and relatives can see and consult the doctor directly making the homecare visit more satisfying to them.

Sl Faculty Name Designation
1 Dr.Biji.M.S (MBBS,DPPM,MSc Applied Psychology), Assistant Professor
2 Mrs.Sheeja Nellikka Staff Nurse
3 Thulasi Das Medical Social Worker
4 Priya A.K, Ward Assistant

  • OP,IP and home care service(weekly)
  • Stoma clinic and lymphedema clinic.
  • Occupational therapy OP
  • Medical Social worker’s service.
  • Training activities in palliative care for doctors,nurses ,auxillary nurses and volunteers.
  • Regional centre for IAPC course in Palliative care.
  • Rehabilitation activities.

  •  Inpatient service
  •  Outpatient service 
  •  Home care service
  •  Specialized nurse managed lymphedema clinic 
  •  Specialized nurse managed stoma clinic 

1.Palliative low dose fortnightly methotrexate in oral cancers: Experience at a rural cancer centre from India.
SantamChakraborty, M Geetha, K M Sujith, M S Biji, B Sateeshan
South Asian journal of cancer. 07/2014; 3(3):166-70.
2: Effectiveness of nurse-led and physician-assisted homecare provided from a rural cancer center in India evaluated using the palliative care outcome scale.
M S Biji, SantamChakraborty, N R Sindhu, ShibimolThomas,SubhradevSen, Milind Kumar, SatheesanBalasubramaniam
Journal of Clinical Oncology 01/2014; 32(15_suppl):e20544. • 18.04 Impact Factor
3.Pilot study of single-day distress screening with the NCCN distress thermometer to evaluate the feasibility of routine distress screening in tertiary cancer center in rural India.
Dessai SB, SantamChakraborty, Sajeev Kumar PB, SajithBabu,GeethaMuttath, Chandran Nair, ShivakumarThiagarajan, BijiSughosh, AtanuBhattacharjee, Patil VM
Psycho-Oncology 12/2014; • 4.04 Impact Factor

4.Burden and outcome of pressure ulcers in cancer patients receiving the Kerala model of home based palliative care in India:Results from a prospective observational study.
Biji M Sankaran,SantamChakraborty,Vijay M Patil,Sindhu N Raghavan,ShibimolThomas,SubradevSen
Indian Journal of Palliative care ,volume 21/Issue 2/May-August 2015 (pg 152-157)

5.Pairwise Comparison in Repeated Scores-Application in Palliative Cancer Patients
SubhradevSen, Biji M S, SantamChakraborty, Sindhu N R, SatheesanBalasubramanian
Journal of Data Science:Volume 13, Number 4, October 2015
6.Pattern of care in operable endometrial cancer treated at a rural-based tertiary care cancer center [pg. 416]
SB Dessai, D Adrash, M Geetha, S Arvind, J Bipin, S Nayanar, K Sachin, MS Biji, S Balasubramanian
Indian Journal of Cancer 2016 | July-September | Volume 53 | Issue 3
7.An audit of the results of a triplet metronomic chemotherapy regimen incorporating a tyrosine kinase inhibitor in recurrent/metastatic head and neck cancers patients,
Vijay M. Patil, SantamChakraborty, T. K. Jithin, T. P. SajithBabu, SatheeshBabu, Shiva Kumar, M. S. Biji,4Atanu Bhattacharjee, and SatheesanBalasubramanian , South Asian J Cancer. 2016 Apr-Jun; 5(2): 48–51
8.BelievingJeny about her pain.
Journal of Pain &Palliative care Pharmacotherapy.Volume 31,2017,Issue 1,pg 73-75.
9.Validation of malayalam version of national comprehensive cancer network distress thermometer and its feasibility in oncology patients.
MS Biji1, Sampada Dessai2, N Sindhu1, Sithara Aravind3, B Satheesan4

Indian Journal of Palliative care    
Year : 2018  |  Volume : 24  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 67-71
10.The incidence and risk factors for development of lower limb lymphedema after treatment for gynaecological cancers.
Noori Khalid1,Adarsh Dharmarajan1,Satheeshan B1.,Biji M. S2., Abina S.S2,Remya Binesh1
International Journal of Reproduction,Contraception, Obstetrics and  Gynecology
Int J ReprodContraceptObstet Gynecol. 2018 Mar; 7(3):1168-1172
11.Pain Management in Children With Cancer Using World Health Organization Guidelines at a Tertiary Cancer Center in Rural India
M. S. Biji,V. Vinayagamoorthy,T. K. Jithin ,Vineetha Raghavan,KalaiselviSelvaraj,KarthickeyanDuraisamy,KalpitaShringarpure,S. S. Abhinaa,Vanitha Priya Deenathayalan,KedarMehta,Priya Rathi &Lulu Mathewshttps://doi.org/10.1080/15360288.2019.1651438
Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 
12. Patient satisfaction in Home care services through e-Palliative Care - An experience of tertiary cancer centre from Kerala
Satheesan Balasubramanian1, M. S. Biji2 ,M. K. Ranjith3, S. S. Abhina2
Indian Journal of Palliative Care,Year: 2022, Volume: 28, Issue: 3, July-September
Contributed in a Book ”ArbhudhavumSaandhwanaparicharanum” brought out by Basha Institute.

1.“Return to work after curative cancer therapy and the barriers associated with it”.
2.“Quality of Life  Outcome in Cancer Patients living with  intestinal stoma: A Prospective cross-sectional study”.
3. Assessment of spiritual wellbeing in advanced cancer patients receiving palliative care in a tertiary cancer center in Kerala-A mixed method study

•    Best Paper Award  at the 14th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care held at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai on 10th to 12th Feb 2007. 
•    Best poster awardin KASO MEET 2015 conference held at Malabar Cancer Centre on 18thOctober 2015.
•    Best poster award in“TECHNOSCAN 2017”conference held at MCC.
•    Second prize in  Poster  presentation  in the Silver Jubilee International Conference  of  IAPC, held in 2018 at AIIMS, Delhi.
•    Third prize in poster presentation  in the 26th International conference of IAPC ,IAPCON Kochi 2019.
•    Kerala State e-Governance award 2016&17 under e-Citizen Service Delivery category for e-palliative care Initiative.
•    International award for Excellence in Palliative care(2021-2022)

  1. December 16th& 17th, 2009 -workshop on Cancer Palliative Medicine “ A Lasting Tender Touch” was organized for Nurses and Volunteers.
  2. January 29th&30th 2011-Toolkit training programme in Palliative care  for doctors and nurses.
  3. Octobet 21st 2011-A Workshop on ostomy care “ZUS”for nurses 
  4. October 11th 2014-“Workshop on Communication Skills”wasorganized for  all the staffs of MCC.
  5. October 10th 2015-A workshop “Refresher course in Palliative care” was organized for all the students who had undergone BCCPAN (Basic Certificate Course in Palliative Auxillary Nursing) from MCC.
  6. November 22nd 2015-A workshop on e-Palliative care for various palliative care units of Kannur District.
  7. January 16th 2016-workshop “Essentials in Stoma Care”for Staff Nurses.
  8. January 15th2017-A “workshop on lymphedema care –LENFODEM”  was organized for nurses of MCC.
  9. January 14th 2018-CME on Peadiatric palliative care “TOSHI 2018”
  10. January 22nd 2020-workshop on :EffectiveCommunication”for nursing students.

  • To start new courses
  • Certificate course in stoma care
  •  Fellowship course in Palliative Medicine 
  • Certificate course  in Domicilary Nursing Care 

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